Breeds of dogs/Top 10 famous dogies.


Dogs are the loving creatures in the earth and always came with the humans.Dogs are batter than humans. They are friendly to people and  give accompany to their masters and listen to peoples.

Top 10  famous Puppies

So today we discuss about some world 
Famous puppies.

  (1) German Shepherd

These dogs are famous in Germany so that's why these are called German Shepherd.
These dogs are popular because of their intellect and mind. These dogs have height of 60-65 cm of male and 55-60 of female and the weight of these dogs is 50-90 ponds.

            (2)Gold retrievers

These dogs are cute, gentle and intelligent. These dogs are cream yellow gold in their color. 
The height of these cute male dogs is 23-24 inches and females have 21.5-22.5 inches.
Weight of these dogs are 55-75 ponds.

               (3) Labrador retriever

 Labrador retriever are very interesting and amazing family dogs. These have different colors normally ( yellow,black and brown).

The male dogs have the height of 57-62 cm and females have 55-70 cm.

The weight of these smart dogs is between 55-80 ponds.

             (4) pit bull terrier

Pit bull terrier are very intelligent dogs and belongs to loyal family.
These dogs are famous in America. These dogs are faithful and easily be trained.

They can easily acquire knowledge of order and tips.
The height of these attractive dogs is 45-53 cm.
Moreover, the weight of these dogs is (16-27 kg) or  30-60 ponds.

            (5) Beagle

Beagle is a intelligent and pretty dog . It is famous because of its small size.
These dogs have in different colors or we can also said that these dogs have tricolors.
Height of these little cute dogs is (33-41 cm).
10-11 kg is the weight of the male Beagle dogs and 9-10 is the weight of female Beagles.

           (6) poodle

The name of this cutest pet is Poodle.
This is very Beautiful pet because it looks like a toy.
This pet have different names in some countries.It spends the life of 12-15 years. These pets also belongs from good family and also these pets can easily trained.
These dogs many different kinds and all have different heights but the height of the Toy poodle 10 inches.
Further more, weight is 6-9 ponds. 

            (7) Siberian husky

Siberian husky is a medium-sized and snow dog . It is mainly found in Siberia.
The spent life of these dogs are 12-15 years.
These are friendly, intellect and alert dogs.
Height of male dogs is 54-60 cm and females have  50-56 cm.
Female Siberian husky have the weight of 16-23 kg. Males have the weight of 20-27 kg. The color of these dogs is white, gray, black, silver,black and white.

              (8) French Bulldog

French Bulldog is French toy dog . It is a very cute and beautiful dog. This dog is small in size. This is found mainly in French.
Height of these dogs is actually 27-35 cm and weight of these toy dog is 9-14 kg.

          (9) Yorkshire Terrier

The Yorkshire Terrier is the smallest and  beautiful dog. It is found in 
England. It found in the colors blue, black and gold. These dogs are not smart so it is difficult to trained them but these dogs are quite intelligent.

Height of these dogs is 8-9 in inches and the weight of these dogs is 4 pounds.

          (10) Rottweiler

The Rottweiler is famous because it is very strong and true-hearted. It is black in color and tan markings in head, chest and legs. It is 22-27 inches tall and 90-110 ponds in weight.

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